Jan 20-24

We have been super busy since returning from break.

In Writing, we are building our writing stamina with picture prompts. Students are presented with a picture and they are to write sentences either describing the pictures, questioning what is happening in the picture or writing a story inspired by the picture. We are focusing on using more descriptive words and adding adjectives and adverbs to paint a picture in the readers mind.

In reading, we are looking at different types of texts. Using the app Epic! books, each students is assigned a book to read. We are focusing on reading with a purpose. We are reading different types of fiction and non-fiction books.

In Math, we have started looking at multiplication, division and fractions. We are working on describing and applying mental mathematics strategies to determine basic multiplication facts to 9 × 9 and related division facts. We made our own arrays for 6x1 to 9x9 to use in a math game. 

In Science we are continuing our Wheels and Levers unit looking at simple machines. Students have been constructing devices that use wheel and axel, pulleys, levers and gears. They are very proud of their machines. We looked at the practical applications of each simple machine. We explored levers and the different classes of levers.