Building vehicles that move

Here are some videos to get inspiration for your vehicles.
You are to

Balloon Powered Cars

Elastic Powered Cars

Spring Powered Cars

Vehicles that move

We are starting our next big science unit, building a vehicle that moves. Today we watched some videos to see some examples of vehicles. After some discussions, each student sketched out a plan of the vehicle they intend to build. We will be doing most of the building in class. I am looking for some building materials to have available in class.

Possible building materials:
Plastic bottle caps - any size
Plastic bottles - any size
Any jar lids or wheel like items
Old cd's

Thank you!

Jan 20-24

We have been super busy since returning from break.

In Writing, we are building our writing stamina with picture prompts. Students are presented with a picture and they are to write sentences either describing the pictures, questioning what is happening in the picture or writing a story inspired by the picture. We are focusing on using more descriptive words and adding adjectives and adverbs to paint a picture in the readers mind.

In reading, we are looking at different types of texts. Using the app Epic! books, each students is assigned a book to read. We are focusing on reading with a purpose. We are reading different types of fiction and non-fiction books.

In Math, we have started looking at multiplication, division and fractions. We are working on describing and applying mental mathematics strategies to determine basic multiplication facts to 9 × 9 and related division facts. We made our own arrays for 6x1 to 9x9 to use in a math game. 

In Science we are continuing our Wheels and Levers unit looking at simple machines. Students have been constructing devices that use wheel and axel, pulleys, levers and gears. They are very proud of their machines. We looked at the practical applications of each simple machine. We explored levers and the different classes of levers.

TUSC Round 5

Here are the jobs for TUSC meeting number 5
Animal Lover – Adrian, Eli
Travel Agent – Manraj
Weather Reporter – Kyla, Sadie
Movie Critic – Naiya, Charlie
Guess Who? –  Cullen, Alton, Wynter
Local News Reporter – Kinleigh, Sophia
Famous Inventions - Caelan, Rylan
Surveyor – Roman, Rafael
Jokester – Declan
Sports Reporter – Amber
President – Reide, Grace

Our next presentation will be on Thursday, January 30th.

TUSC Round 4

Here are the jobs for TUSC meeting number 4

Animal Lover – Rafael, Kyla
Travel Agent – Declan, Caelan
Weather Reporter – Roman
Movie Critic – Adrian, Manraj
Guess Who? – Amber, Rylan
Local News Reporter –  Sadie
Famous Inventions - Alton
Surveyor – Charlie, Eli
Jokester – Sophia, Kinleigh
Sports Reporter – Wynter, Grace
President – Naiya, Cullen

Our next presentation will be on Tuesday, January 14th.

Alberta Parks Research

Happy New Year!

In Math, we started reviewing multiplication with a connect four game. Students rolled a 6 or 9 sided dice and found the product. They then choose that number on a game board and tried to get 4 chips in a row. This game is to help students describe and apply mental mathematics strategies to determine basic multiplication facts to 9 × 9.

In Science, we continued to look closer at simple machines. Today we explored the three classes of levers. Students demonstrated ways to use a lever that applies a small force to create a large force. We also predicted how changes in the size and and position of the fulcrum will affect the forces and movements involved.

Students will be studying gymnastics during Phys Ed from Tuesday, January 7th till Thursday, January 24th.
*Please wear clothing that is easy to move in and comfortable. Sweats and a t-shirt are great clothing options (Remembering not to have TOO loose of a top on)
*Please try to avoid dresses or skirts 
*If you have long hair please try your best to have it in a ponytail so that it does not go in your face