Exploring simple machines

Today we made simple machines with items we found around the classroom.
We saw pulleys, levers, inclined planes, wheel and axles, wedges and even a screw.

In Math we have been reviewing what we have learned so far. We are able to add and subtract 4 digit numbers and also explaining our steps. We can describe and extend increasing patterns. We can solve for unknown variables using our Algebra skills. On top of all that, we can identify area and perimeter and tell if a shape is congruent.

In writing, we started working on our opinion pieces. We selected our own topic to have an opinion. Some students have chosen animal based opinions and others have decided on a more food based opinion. Ask your learner what opinion topic they have chosen.

In social studies we are focusing on developing a better sense of Alberta's land. We looked at the different regions of Alberta and identified some of the major cities. We will be taking a closer look at each individual region next.

Christmas Concert

Warm Feet for the Street

When you live on the streets, a pair of warm socks stuffed with hygiene and other useful items can be a valuable gift. This year, the grade 4 Ambassador Club is organizing a grade 4 campaign to help recipients of the Mustard Seed by participating in their Warm Feet for the Street initiative. We are very lucky to be receiving a donation of socks for this project. We are asking for students to donate what will go in the socks. Please no alcohol based items such as mouthwash, no food and no money. Donations will be accepted in your child’s classroom until December 13. Thank you in advance for your continued support. This is a great way for our students to give back to our larger community and provide some warmth for those less fortunate this holiday season.  
Here is the link should you wish more information as well as a wish list for donations:

TUSC Round 2

We had a great first round of TUSC. I was excited to see how much practice and effort was put into the presentations.

Here are the jobs for the next TUSC meeting

Animal Lover – Manraj, Naiya
Travel Agent – Rafael, Sadie
Weather Reporter – Wynter, Cullen, Saarthak
Movie Critic – Alton, Kyla
Guess Who? – Caelan, Grace
Local News Reporter – Reide, Adrian
Famous Inventions - Davin, Declan
Surveyor – Kinleigh, Sophia
Jokester – Rylan, Eli
Sports Reporter – Roman, Charlie
President –  Amber

Weather website

Totally Unbelievable Speakers Club

We are taking a break from our weekly math homework to focus on a new initiative. Introducing TUSC, our Totally Unbelievable Speakers Club. We are working on our first presentations in class this week, but after this first presentation it will be expected that each students completes their presentation preparation at home.

What is TUSC?
TUSC is an oral speakers club designed just for you – a Grade 4 student!  TUSC occurs like a true meeting with a President and a variety of presentations.
When does TUSC happen?
Every two weeks, everyone will participate in the TUSC meeting. Our first meeting is November 20.
What do I need to do for the TUSC meeting?
Each meeting, students will have a specific task to complete and present at the meeting. The tasks change each meeting so everyone will get a chance at each role! For example, if you are the President at one meeting, you might be the Travel Agent at the next meeting.
To prepare for your task, you’ll need to reference the descriptions below.  Each description explains the task and what you’ll need to have prepared for the next TUSC meeting.  If you need more information about the task, ask Ms. C.  It is your responsibility to be well prepared for each meeting! There are some tasks that will take time to prepare…do not wait until the last minute!  Each presentation should last 3 - 5 minutes (try not to go over time).
Why are we doing these TUSC meetings?
It’s a really fun way to practice our researching, public speaking, presenting and writing skills!  Be as creative as you’d like for your task.  Dress in costume, make a slide show, add video to your presentation…the possibilities are endless!
How will I be evaluated during these TUSC meetings?
There will be 2 evaluations – one from Ms. C and a peer-evaluation. 
·       The evaluation from Ms. C will be based on the content and organization of your presentation as well as your speaking and presentation skills. 
·       The peer-evaluation will provide you with feedback, compliments and suggestions, things for you to improve upon for the next meeting.
Remember: It is your responsibility to be well prepared for each meeting!  This includes having all materials at school on the day of the meeting.
Each of the following tasks will be included in each meeting:
  1.  President – Ms.C (just for the first meeting)
2.     Animal Lover – Alton, Rylan, Saarthak­­­­­
3.     Travel Agent – Reide, Wynter
4.     Weather Reporter – Grace, Caelan
5.     Movie Critic – Sophia, Kinleigh
6.     Guess Who? – Eli, Charlie
7.     Local News Reporter – Roman, Declan
8.     Famous Inventions - Adrian, Rafael
9.     Surveyor – Naiya, Amber
10.   Jokester – Kyla, Manraj
11.   Sports Reporter – Sadie, Cullen


choose an interesting location to talk about
give us some information on famous landmarks
tell us where in the world it is located
tell us some interesting things to do there
tell us the average temperature there

prepare an oral report on a (G or PG ) movie you enjoyed
introduce your movie
tell what kind of movie it is
tell the general story line but do not give away the ending
explain your opinions of the movie
what was good, bad, highlights, where can the movie be seen
who would you recommend this movie to and why
give it a rating out of 5 stars

choose a news topic from TV, the internet or the newspaper that would
be interesting or important to report on
bring the news item to school and tell us about it, why you chose it and
your viewpoint either for or against it

select a famous person or someone the class will know
write 7 interesting facts about that person that will give clues as to who
the person is
read the facts to the class and have them “guess who”

prepare an interesting report on one sport or a sports event that has
happened recently or is about to happen

choose an invention
talk about the inventor
give details, interesting facts about his/her life and the invention from Internet
research or library books
show pictures or artifacts if possible

choose an animal that is not common
give 5-8 interesting facts about the animal
show a picture if possible

come up with a topic/question you want to know more about
make a prediction as to how people will answer
collect and manage the information using an organizer (tally, chart etc.)
survey at least 20 people
explain to the class why you chose your question
share your prediction about the outcome -were you surprised by the
find a way to visually display your results to the class (graph)

choose 5 jokes or riddles, write them on cue cards
use your voice effectively to present the jokes and their punch line

prepare and report on the weather
include local weather (Calgary), weather around Canada and a weather
forecast (3 day outlook)
your report can include: temperature high and low, chance of rain or
precipitation, cloud cover, sunrise and sunset
Example format:
I will be bringing you the weather report.
In local weather, the weather in Calgary is….

Wheels and Lever Game


Remembrance Day Assembly

We are having our Remembrance Day Assembly this Friday at 10:15am. Please bring any Poppy donations to school this week and wear your service club uniforms on Friday for the Assembly.